Mangrove Jack

The Mangrove Jack is a predatory species of fish found in the tidal creeks and rivers of the northern Australian coast. They have a distinctive dark brown to black coloration with a silvery belly. They can grow to be up to 60cm in length and weigh up to 10kg. In Broome, the average weight of a Mangrove Jack is 6kg, with the average length being 50cm. They are primarily nocturnal hunters and feed on a variety of smaller fish, crustaceans and insects.

Habitat: Mangrove Jacks are found in the tidal creeks and rivers of the northern Australian coast. They prefer areas of complex structure such as rocks, logs and mangroves. These areas provide them with shelter and a good source of food.

Feeding Behaviour: Mangrove Jacks are opportunistic predators and feed on a variety of smaller fish, crustaceans and insects. They are primarily nocturnal hunters and ambush their prey from the shadows.

Species Info

Male Average Length: 50cm

female Average Length: 80cm

Male Average Weight: 6Kg

Female Average Weight: 6Kg

Best Fishing Methods: The best methods for catching Mangrove Jacks include fishing with live bait, lures and soft plastics. They are often caught by anglers fishing for other species such as Barramundi. Mangrove Jacks are also known to be caught on lures when casting around rocky outcrops and mangroves.

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