Threadfin Salmon

The threadfin salmon is a species of fish found in the waters off the coast of Broome, Western Australia. It is known for its distinctive long, flowing fins, which give it its name. The average weight for male threadfin salmon is around 2 kg, with females reaching up to 3 kg. The average length for male threadfin salmon is around 60 cm, with females reaching up to 70 cm in length. These fish can be found in shallow waters along the coastline, as well as in deeper offshore waters.

Habitat: The threadfin salmon can be found in shallow waters along the coastline, as well as in deeper offshore waters. They are known to congregate around schools of baitfish, such as herring or pilchards.

Feeding Behaviour: The threadfin salmon is a predatory species that feeds on smaller fish, as well as squid and crustaceans. They are known to be fast swimmers and aggressive hunters, often attacking their prey in schools.

Species Info

Male Average Length: 60cm

female Average Length: 70cm

Male Average Weight: 2Kg

Female Average Weight: 3Kg

Best Fishing Methods: The best methods for catching threadfin salmon off the coast of Broome include using live bait, such as herring or pilchards, and fishing with light to medium tackle in shallow waters. Trolling with lures is also an effective method for catching these fish.

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